Our Story
Major milestones in the history of Charlotte Grace One Christ Church (G1C)
January 21, 2016 - The name of “Charlotte Grace One Christ Church” established
May 1, 2016 - First Sunday service at Southern Evangelical Seminary
March 9, 2017 - Frist version of the church bylaws established
March 28, 2017 - G1C officially incorporated in NC
August 16, 2017 - Purchased land of 2609 Chestnut Lane at Matthews, NC
November 18, 2017 - Land dedication ceremony
March 4, 2018 - First Sunday service at Antioch Elementary School
November 17, 2018 - Groundbreaking ceremony for the Chestnut Campus building project
September 29, 2019 - Ordination of 1st group of elders of G1C
March 14, 2020 - Moved out of AES due to Pandemic
July 28, 2020 - Building at Chestnut Campus approved for occupancy
August 2, 2020 - First Sunday service at G1C Chestnut Campus
November 20, 2021 - Building dedication ceremony
June 12, 2022 - SC church plant (G2C) held first bible study in Fort Mill
Grace One Church started as Chinese Ministry under Carmel Baptist Church (CBC). In 1999, Dr. Wayne Poplin, then Sr. Pastor of CBC, caught the vision to start an ethnic ministry to evangelize and shepherd the growing Chinese population in south Charlotte. As a result, CBC called Rev. David Lee, who was a missionary in Japan at the time, to come to Charlotte to start the ministry in 2000. From a small group of Chinese believers in CBC, the Chinese Ministry grew through the years to become a large congregation with its own Chinese service held on Sunday within Carmel campus.
In 2013, a Chinese Ministry Committee was established by CBC to explore the future of this growing ministry. A new vision was caught by CBC along with the congregants of the Chinese Ministry, and a plan was in place for the ministry to become a church plant of CBC in 5 years. In September 2014, Rev. Haohsin Huang was called to be the new ministry head of CBC Chinese Ministry, along with Rev. Walton Yuen as the English pastor, with a specific mission to lead the congregation towards independence.
The ministry continued to grow. In September 2015, an English worship service was added to serve the English-speaking adults and youth of the Chinese Ministry. In early 2016, the official name of Charlotte Grace One Christ Church was adopted for the future church plant. In May 1, 2016, with the blessing of then Sr. Pastor Rev. Alex Kennedy and the entire Carmel family, Grace One Church left the Carmel campus and held its first worship service in Southern Evangelical Seminary (SES) in Matthews, NC. In March 28, 2017, Grace One was officially incorporated in North Carolina as an independent church, and Rev. Huang became the first Sr. Pastor of the new church.
God’s grace continues to pour out on His new church. In November 2016, the building committee of Grace One was established with a mission to find a property to build our first church building. Within a few months, a piece of land near SES was found. With a successful capital campaign in June 2017, Grace One Church purchased the land with cash in August 16, 2017. It’s a 15-acre prime property God gave us to call home, and we dedicated it to the Lord on November 18, 2017. In November 17, 2018, we held a groundbreaking ceremony to start the building project of our Chestnut Lane Campus. Lord willing, we plan to dedicate our new church building to the Lord before Christmas 2020.
Charlotte Grace One Christ Church belongs to Christ as our name indicated, and we have been and will always be a Scripture centric, grace abound, evangelical church. We believe that the Bible is the Word of God, and it holds the highest authority in church and personal life. Our vision is to become a family that magnifies God through Gospel-transformed lives, grace-overflowing community, and cross-cultural mission. May His name be hallowed and glorified in all the earth.
Penned by Rev. Haohsin Huang
on June 17, 2020