Bible Study
At Grace One, we believe in the importance of continuously growing in our relationship with the Lord through regular Bible study. We seek to live out the calling in Deuteronomy 11:18-19 to fix the Word of God in our hearts and minds, and to constantly think and talk about the Scriptures. In addition to expository teaching of the Bible on Sunday mornings, our small groups meet throughout the week to study the Bible together. Whether you’re a teen or young adult seeking to learn more about Christianity, or a senior adult hoping to deepen your faith, we hope you’ll join us to study the life-changing Word of God.
Opportunities for Bible study include:
Life Group on Friday Night biweekly
- contact Steve Wan at steve.yc.wan@gmail.com
Life Group on Saturday Night biweekly @6:30pm-8:30pm
- contact Mei Moy at meijmoy@gmail.com
Young Adult Life Group on Wednesday Night biweekly @6:30pm-8:30pm
- contact Daniel at dteklemariam78@gmail.com